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Do not Ignore Health Signals

Our body gives us health signals from time to time to help us understand there is something wrong. The worst mistake we commit is that we do not pay attention to what our body tells us.

Let us do not ignore the health signals and listen to our body. Here are a few important health signals:

  1. Brown or White cavities on tongue indicate stomach disorders.
  2. Eye dark circles indicate leucorrhea, Anemia and Weakness.
  3. Under eye darkness indicates constipation and high fatigue.
  4. Under eye swelling or puffiness indicates kidney malfunction.
  5. Ulcer spots on lip corners indicate fever.
  6. Pigmentation on face indicates hormonal imbalance.
  7. Cracked lips indicates constipation and stomach disorders.
  8. Swelling in neck indicates thyroid-ism.

To get rid of these problems eat right food, take proper sleep and exercise.